4 Ways To Reduce The Cost Of Operating Your Boiler

If your boiler heating costs were more expensive than you expected this fall, here are four steps that you can take this winter to help reduce the cost of operating your boiler and keeping your house warm.

#1 Just Dial It Down

One of the easiest ways to control your heating costs is just by turning your thermostat down. Even turning your thermostat down by just a degree can decrease your heating costs if you keep it down that one degree at all times. Try it this next month. For example, if you keep your thermostat at 72 when you are awake and 68 when you are asleep, turn your thermostat to 71 when you are awake and 67 when you are asleep or not home. Even this small change to how your heat your home should reduce your energy costs and you shouldn't notice too much of a difference in the warmth of your home.

#2 Put Your Boilers On A Timer

To further reduce your heating costs, put your boiler on a timer as well. You can have a timer installed directly on your boiler. You can set the timer to turn your boiler off during the hours that you are not home during the day. That way, your boiler will not be working when you are not home. You can set it to turn back on about an hour before you normally get home so that your home will be comfortable when you get home from school and work. This will allow you more direct control over your boiler and thus your heating cost.

#3 Turn Down Immersion Heater Temperature

On your boiler, there is a separate control for the immersion heater. Turn this down by one degree just like you did your thermostat. This will help control the overall heating temperature of your boiler and will help easily lower your heating costs without you feeling much of an impact.

#4 Improve Heating Controls

Next, if you have an older boiler, have a broiler tech come out and install new heating controls on your boiler. This is a relatively inexpensive repair and it will improve the overall functionality of your boiler. This is something that you want to have professionally installed.

If you make the above improvements and follow the advice as well, you should be able to notice a decrease in your next energy bill after you implement these changes. 

For more information, contact a service such as BuyFurnaceParts.com.
