3 Important Ways To Maintain Your HVAC

Coming up with ways to save money on your utility bills is pretty easy. Of course, setting your thermostat on timers, and making sure to turn it off whenever possible is going to save you hundreds of dollars throughout the year. But, you can go a step further by making sure that, when your system is running, it is running more efficiently. This article explains three things that you can do once a year to increase the overall health and productivity of your HVAC system.

Filter Replacement

The first thing you should do is replace your filters. This can actually be done twice a year. You can get the best results if you simply replace your filter in between seasons. That is, when you are done using your furnace for heat, or your air conditioner to cool your home.

Evaporator Maintenance

Many people have no problem remembering to change their air filters, but they don't exercise as much vigilance when it comes to the maintenance of their evaporator. The evaporator, connected to the furnace or air handler, is associated with both the heating and cooling functions. So, if your evaporator is not kept clean, it could have a harmful effect on your system's efficiency and cost you money all year long. Evaporator maintenance is not all that difficult, but is usually best to let special handle it since it connected to electrical and refrigerant lines; this is particularly true if you have not had your system cleaned or serviced in a long time.

Condenser Unit

Another piece of maintenance that can improve the efficiency of your HVAC system is to invest in the maintenance of your condenser unit. The condenser unit is on the outside of a house. It is usually just called the "air conditioner". Obviously, it is just one part of an AC system. All that really matters is that you cover your condenser unit during the winter and clean it every few years. Many people don't realize that the outside walls of the condenser are actually part of the condensing process. The metal sheets that line the outside of the cabinet are connected to the condenser. When the sheets are dirty, the condenser cannot cool itself off as easily, causing it to use more electricity. Cleaning the condenser walls is definitely something you can do yourself.

You can sufficiently clean a condenser by just spraying it down with a hose to wash out all of the dirt from the metal sheets. To learn more, contact a commercial HVAC services company near you. 
