3 Furnace Repair Troubles You Shouldn't Ignore

Furnaces that are operating effectively keep homes warm during the colder months. In fact, these units may even be difficult to notice because they run quietly and smoothly. However, like other mechanical systems, your gadget may eventually break down and require repairs or replacement. If it malfunctions in the middle of winter or when you're hosting guests, you can panic and be embarrassed. Luckily, some problems can tell you it's time to call a technician. This article discusses three of these troubles.

Inadequate Heat

The work of a furnace is to supply warm air throughout your home, to ensure everyone who lives in your house is comfortable when it's chilly. If you notice that your system isn't generating adequate heat, you should be alarmed. Several things could make your furnace stop producing heat. The thermostat setting could be low, the furnace filter might be dirty and blocking airflow, or there could be an issue with your blower motor. The pilot light could also have gone out, making it difficult to ignite the furnace.

If you notice any of these things, you should immediately bring in a technician for furnace repair. These professionals will clean your filters, check the thermostat, and ensure the pilot light is on. They can also replace the blower motor if necessary to keep your furnace up and running.

Unusual Sounds

It's normal for a furnace to produce some sounds as it operates. It may click when a particular temperature is attained or hiss as air moves through the ductwork. However, some noises could indicate that it has problems. If you hear it rattling, and rumbling, some of its parts could be loose. The furnace may also produce a high-pitched squeal, which often means the blower belt is too tight or needs replacement. An HVAC technician can determine the source of the noise and fix it. They'll examine all the parts to identify the problem and make the necessary repairs.


Your furnace can develop leaks because of several issues. The condensation pipes draining moisture from the combustion process can become blocked, causing water to back up and leak out of the furnace. The heat exchanger could also develop cracks, resulting in leaks. If you discover there's water at the base of your unit, contact a technician. They'll inspect your system to find the cause of the problem. If they discover the pipes are blocked, they'll clear them. They'll also replace the malfunctioned exchanger to restore your system's functionality.

When your furnace develops troubles, you shouldn't ignore them. They could be a sign of serious issues that, if left unaddressed, could lead to a complete breakdown. An HVAC contractor can quickly diagnose and repair any furnace issues you're experiencing. For more information on furnace repair, contact a professional near you.
