3 Proactive Unit Care Tasks Your Technician Will Include On Your Air Conditioning Maintenance Checklist

Every homeowner desires an air conditioner that lasts for a long time. Well, the surefire way to achieve this is by ensuring that you always keep it in good working condition. This means regularly maintaining it and commissioning timely repairs whenever necessary. These are the only ways for your AC technician to address arising malfunctions before they severely impede the efficiency of your equipment

One important aspect of air conditioner unit care is the proactive tasks that your technician will include in your air conditioner maintenance checklist. Please continue reading to discover three of these tasks and how they help to extend your equipment's lifespan. 

1. Cleaning or Replacing the Filters 

One of the simplest and most effective ways to maintain your AC unit is to regularly clean or replace the filters. The AC air filters' primary role is to trap dirt, dust, and other airborne particles. So, naturally, they can become clogged, reducing your AC unit's efficiency. Thankfully, your technician will inspect the condition of your filters at every maintenance appointment to determine if they should be cleaned or replaced altogether. Air filters should be replaced when they're too worn out to trap airborne particles

2. Lubricating Moving Parts 

Since your AC unit comprises many moving parts, they should be lubricated to prevent friction, which would eat these parts away. The moving parts include everything from the compressor to the fans. Your AC technician will oil the joints to ensure they don't seize up as the AC unit operates. During the lubrication process, the AC technician will also look for any worn-out parts that should be replaced before they completely disintegrate and cause a dilapidating equipment breakdown.

3. Checking Freon Levels 

Your AC unit uses a refrigerant (also known as Freon) to cool the air. Over time, this refrigerant can leak out of your system. If this happens, it can cause your AC unit to work less efficiently and could potentially damage the compressor. And since the refrigerant circulates in an enclosed loop, low freon levels indicate a leak in the system.

Therefore, the technician will inspect the compressor, evaporator coil, and condenser as these are the components that interact with the refrigerant. And once they locate and seal the leak, they can recharge it to the proper level to restore optimum equipment operation.

Proactive maintenance is key in extending your AC unit's life and preventing costly repairs down the road. Next time you're scheduling an appointment for preventative air conditioning maintenance, be sure to engage your technician about the listed tasks. For more information on air conditioning, contact a professional near you.
